2000 ad prog 2015 ©Rebellion A/S |
Publisher: Rebellion
Published: December 17 2014
ISBN/print: weekly magazine
Size/binding: A4 magazine thick cover
Cover: Greg Staples
Title: The Screams in the Wall/Book 9 Grinders part 1
Artists: David Hitchcock/Patrick Goddard
Visible Man
Frank Hart, aka the Visible Man was hold by scientists, who wanted to know what happened to him when he escapes to space, and what alien entity may have returned with him. He has now fled with another test subject, Frances and have reached an abandoned place in Dunwich, Suffolk, a former presbytery built next to crumbling cliffs. There Frank and Frances encounter Father Hugo Wace who happens to be in league with Frank's pursuers. Frank sees right from the starts that he was a child abuser. With the help from the Alien/Starman, they manages to escapes the presbytery while it falls down into the sea, bringing Father Wace with it (10 pages).Comments:
What a wonderful Gothic tale, with spot on art by David Hitchcock! Like many Pat Mills stories, this one takes his roots in its hatred of Catholicism See for yourself here.
The following preview was advertised at the the 2000 AD's Tumblr page:
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The story begins in Guy's hospital, ten months before the liberation of lONDON, where we witness Volgan Grinders program that sees people, or biopunk, being cybernetically enhanced (weapons are inserted in their bodies). A Volgan "interrogator" specialist (whose wife called Zoya) is next. Currently based in an e-bombed London and living under an alias, Savage continues to lead the resistance. During the final battle of the liberation, Bill Savage's group is saved at the last minutes by Howard Quartz "Raptor Drones" while the Hammersteins troops have reached Peckham. But the drones are also coming after The Martyrs, another resistance group (6 pages).Comments:
There is mention of Blackbloods Volgan robots in this strip.
The following preview was advertised at the the 2000 AD's Tumblr page:
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