Ro-Busters is a series created by Pat Mills about a disaster squad of Robots in the spirit of Gerry Anderson's 'Thunderbirds'. The series introduce an ex war droid Hammerstein (or Hammer-stein) and a sewer robot Ro-jaw. This series will be eventually included in the
A.B.C. Warriors saga.
Original publication as Ro-Busters in Starlord and then 2000AD (scans from Barney's Database). Click on issue # to access the associated file.
Starlord #5 ©Rebellion A/S |
Starlord #16 ©Rebellion A/S |
Starlord #19 ©Rebellion A/S |
- Day of the Robot (Starlord #1, May 13 1978)
- The Preying Mantis part 1 (Starlord #2, May 20 1978)
- The Preying Mantis part 2 (Starlord #3, May 27 1978)
- The Preying Mantis part 3 (Starlord #4, June 3rd 1978)
- Midpoint (scripted by Bill Henri, Starlord #5, June 10 1978)
- Midpoint (scripted by Bill Henri, Starlord #6, June 17 1978)
- The Ritz Space Hotel part 1 (Starlord #7, June 24 1978)
- The Ritz Space Hotel part 2 (Starlord #8, July 1st 1978)
- The Ritz Space Hotel part 3 (Starlord #9, July 8 1978)
- The Ritz Space Hotel part 4 (Starlord #10, July 15 1978)
- The Ritz Space Hotel part 5 (Starlord #11, July 22 1978)
- The Ritz Space Hotel part 6 (Starlord #12, July 29 1978)
- Time Quake part 1 (scripted by V Gross, Starlord #13, August 5 1978)
- Time Quake part 1 (scripted by V Gross, Starlord #14, August 12 1978)
- Massacre on the Moon part 1 (scripted by Chris Lowder, Starlord #15, August 19 1978)
- Massacre on the Moon part 2 (scripted by Chris Lowder, Starlord #16, August 26 1978)
- Massacre on the Moon part 3 (scripted by Chris Lowder, Starlord #17, September 2 1978)
- Massacre on the Moon part 4 (scripted by Chris Lowder, Starlord #18, September 9 1978)
- Massacre on the Moon part 5 (scripted by Chris Lowder, Starlord #19, September 16 1978)
- The Tax Man Cometh! part 6 (scripted by Chris Lowder, Starlord #20, September 23 1978)
- The Tax Man Cometh! part 7 (scripted by Chris Lowder, Starlord #21, September 30 1978)
- The Tax Man Cometh! part 8 (scripted by Chris Lowder, Starlord #22, October 7 1978)
- Death on the Orient Express part 1 (2000 AD #86, October 14 1978)
- Death on the Orient Express part 2 (2000 AD #87, October 21 1978)
- Hammerstein's War Memoirs part 1 (2000 AD #88, October 28 1978)
- Hammerstein's War Memoirs part 2 (2000 AD #89, November 4 1978)
- Hammerstein's War Memoirs part 3 (2000 AD #90, November 11 1978)
- Hammerstein's War Memoirs part 4 (2000 AD #91, November 18 1978)
- Hammerstein's War Memoirs part 5 (2000 AD #92, November 25 1978)
- Ro-Jaws'Memoirs part 1 (2000 AD #93, December 30 1978)
- Ro-Jaws'Memoirs part 2 (2000 AD #94, January 6 1979)
- Ro-Jaws'Memoirs part 3 (2000 AD #95, January 13 1979)
- Ro-Jaws'Memoirs part 4 (2000 AD #96, January 20 1979)
- Ro-Jaws'Memoirs part 5 (2000 AD #97, January 27 1979)
- The Terra-Meks part 1 (2000 AD #98, February 3 1979)
- The Terra-Meks part 2 (2000 AD #99, February 10 1979)
- The Terra-Meks part 3 (2000 AD #100, February 17 1979)
- The Terra-Meks part 4 (2000 AD #101, February 24 1979)
- Fall and Rise of Ro-Jaw and Hammerstein part 1 (2000 AD #103, March 10 1979)
- Fall and Rise of Ro-Jaw and Hammerstein part 2 (2000 AD #104, March 17 1979)
- Fall and Rise of Ro-Jaw and Hammerstein part 3 (2000 AD #105, March 24 1979)
- Fall and Rise of Ro-Jaw and Hammerstein part 4 (2000 AD #106, March 31 1979)
- Fall and Rise of Ro-Jaw and Hammerstein part 5 (2000 AD #107, April 7 1979)
- Fall and Rise of Ro-Jaw and Hammerstein part 6 (2000 AD #108, April 14 1979)
- Fall and Rise of Ro-Jaw and Hammerstein part 7 (2000 AD #109, April 21 1979)
- Fall and Rise of Ro-Jaw and Hammerstein part 8 (2000 AD #110, April 28 1979)
- Fall and Rise of Ro-Jaw and Hammerstein part 9 (2000 AD #111, May 5 1979)
- Fall and Rise of Ro-Jaw and Hammerstein part 10 (2000 AD #112, May 12 1979)
- Fall and Rise of Ro-Jaw and Hammerstein part 11 (2000 AD #113, May 19 1979)
- Fall and Rise of Ro-Jaw and Hammerstein part 12 (2000 AD #114, May 26 1979)
- Fall and Rise of Ro-Jaw and Hammerstein part 13 (2000 AD #115, June 2 1979)
- Avalanche (uncredited script, 2000 AD Annual 1980)
- Ro-busters (scripted by Chris Stevens, 2000 AD Annual 1981)
- Bax the Burner (scripted by Alan Moore, 2000 AD Annual 1982)
- Old Red-eyes is Back (scripted by Alan Moore, 2000 AD Annual 1983)
- Stormeagles are Go! (scripted by Alan Moore, 2000 AD Annual 1984)
- Ro-busters (uncredited script, Starlord Annual 1981)
- Ro-busters (scripted by V. Gross, Starlord Special)
There are four library reprints to this day (click on the caption to reach the designated file):
For newsstand reprints, see the individual prog files.
There were also this 2000 AD strip scripted by Pat Mills...
..and a series strip called Ro-Jaws Robo-Tales, but none were scripted by Pat Mills nor features our regular heroes:
- Damian, Chlid of Tomorrow (scripted by Kevin Gosnell, 2000 AD #147, January 12 1980)
- It's a Knockout part 1 (scripted by Oleh, 2000 AD #148, January 19 1980)
- It's a Knockout part 2 (scripted by Oleh, 2000 AD #149, January 26 1980)
- Revolt of the Tick Tock Monkey Bomb (scripted by Gary Rice, 2000 AD #157, March 22 1980)
- Droid are Dispensible (scripted by Gary Rice, 2000 AD #161, April 19 1980)
- Ye First Robot (scripted by Gary Rice, 2000 AD #166, June 21 1980)
- Killer in the Cab (scripted by Alan Moore, 2000 AD #170, July 26 1980)
- The Dating Game (scripted by Alan Moore, 2000 AD #176, September 6th 1980)
- The Robot Schrink (scripted by Gary Rice, 2000 AD #176, September 6th 1980)
- The Tidy Up Droid (scripted by Gary Rice, 2000 AD #181, October 11 1980)
- Tomorrow Brings Doom (scripted by Gary Rice, 2000 AD #183, October 25 1980)
- Night of the Werebot (scripted by Gary Rice, 2000 AD #184, November 1st 1980)
- Miracle in Slum Alley (scripted by Gary Rice, 2000 AD #188, November 29 1980)
- Final Solution part 1 (scripted by Alan Moore, 2000 AD #189, December 6th 1980)
- Final Solution part 2 (scripted by Alan Moore, 2000 AD #190, December 13 1980)
- Spirit of Vengeance (scripted by Gary Rice, 2000 AD #196, January 24 1981)
- Human on my Back (uncredited script, 2000 AD Annual 1981)
- The Pirate and the Polydroid (scripted by Steve Parkhouse, 2000 AD Annual 1982)
- Silicon Soul (scripted by Gary Rice, 2000 AD Annual 1983)
- The Robot Revolution (scripted by Gary Rice, 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 1980)
- The Wanderer (scripted by Ken F. Sutherland, 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 1980)
A.B.C. Warriors are introduced from 2000AD #119 as "A New Ro-busters Adventure". Hammerstein and Ro-Jaw fate after their Ro-Busters' adventures will eventually be told in
Nemesis the Warlock series, starting with
2000 AD #387.
A story will eventually told what's happen for Hammerstein to find himself in the Ro-busters, beginning with prog #1800, and introducing the Ro-busters in prog #1810 (but written as an A.B.C. warriors story arc).
In February 2017, a new 6 pages one-off Ro-Busters story was published in the 2000 AD 40th Anniversary Special (as well as a Ro-Busters fact-file):